onsdag 19 juni 2013
Svensken Halef Tak gripen - Aftonbladet redo
Skall man bli upprymd av sin analysförmåga eller nedstämd av svensk medias tröttsamma förutsägbarhet? I förra inlägget skrev jag, med anledning av en norsk snyftartikel:
"Det är i sådana här lägen jag tycker att fulmedia är som allra sämst. Man skulle kunnat undersöka fallet, vilket skulle kunna varit intressant, oavsett om det han säger är sant eller inte.
Eftersom man inte vill riskera en sådan utgång, kör man för säkerhets skull på med den vanliga, icke-ifrågasättande, snyftartikeln."
Något senare slår Aftonbladet till med historien om att en svensk så där utan vidare blivit gripen i Bulgarien. Det handlar om en Halef Tak och att Turkiet begärt honom utelämnad från Bulgarien. Man måste verkligen lära sig läsa mellan raderna i en svensk tidning, för då kan bilden börja klarna.
"Polisen sa till oss att Interpol i Ankara har begärt honom utlämnad på grund av politisk brottslighet"
Aftonbladet har förstås kontaktat familjen, men faktiskt ansträngt sig även tillräckligt mycket för att kontakta svenska UD, troligen för att höra vad man gör för att få mannen frisläppt. Man har förstås inte försökt kontakta bulgariska eller turkiska myndigheter om det hela. Därför får jag gissa och läsa mellan raderna, som alltid med svensk media. Jag gissar att han tillhört en terrorstämplad organisation som PKK och att myndigheterna kanske har legitima skäl att åtala mannen. Misstanken förstärks:
"Min farbror har inte kunnat resa till Turkiet under 25 års tid på grund av politiska skäl. De har sagt till honom flera gånger att om han åker fast"
Återigen, jag vet inte vad som är rätt här, men Aftonbladets artikel gör mig knappast klokare. Det ligger faktiskt en hel del rasism bakom sådan här rapportering. Svensk media tänker sig att länder som Bulgarien och Turkiet är det nog ingen vidare ordning på, så vi bör nog rädda mannen från barbarerna. Vidare tänker man att visst, han kanske varit lite terrorist på dessa platser, men nu har han ju kommit till Sverige så vi skall nog få ordning på honom.
Om vi lämnar just det aktuella fallet, så kanske det inte alltid är fel när någon med svenskt pass åker fast utomlands eller när en familj utvisas från Sverige. Återigen, jag vet inte vad som är sant i just det här fallet och jag tycker också att UD skall bistå alla svenska medborgare utomlands. Kanske är Halef endast skyldig till opinionsbildning och borde släppas omedelbart. Jag vänder mig mot journalistiken i denna artikel, liksom i alla artiklar som handlar om avvisningar.
Försök göra lite riktig journalistik eller ägna er helt åt mode och sport.
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Kommentarer till inlägget (Atom)
Dear Tobbe, Halef is my relative. He never hurt anyone in Turkey. He just wanted to be able to speak his language, enjoy his culture. You can NOT compare him with Brevik who killed people. Turkish state, every time labeled every one ( who support or not PKK) as member of PKK and accused these people for the things they have never done, Even now there are political people still in prison and waiting for court date for almost 5 years but yet not found guilty! Especially when Turkey is discussing peace talks with Kurdish party and leader, do you think it is correct that he is treated like this? Remember when he moved to Sweden, PKK was not categorised as terrorist organisation, furthermore being Kurd itself has been enough evidence to be labelled as terrorist, please show empati to a person who even could not join his Mum's funeral even though he has nothing wrong except being Kurd. Sweden has become a country for him and he embraced it. He is a legal Swedish citizen, thank you for your consuderation,
SvaraRaderaHi! Yes, I tried to be clear about not being able to say anything about the particular case. My point was really all about the way swedish media treats cases like this. You who know him are probably right about him being innocent, and that he in that case should be released. I also made it clear that I think that the swedish foreign office should assist citizens abroad. The thing is that for us following swedish media, we are fed up with articles without any substance, especially in the case of rejected asylum applications, or swedish passport holders abroad.
RaderaMaybe it was wrong of me to mention this particular case, but my little text was really all about the article, not about the man. If he is innocent, he should of course not be treated like that - but swedish media should still shape up and produce real journalism.
Dear Tobbe, I understand your point but selection Brevik as an example was a not a fair way to compare with. You can compare him with a Sami person who had to escape from Sweden since he talked Sami language and who said, I have citizenship in Sweden but I am Sami and then who labelled as a terrorist by Sweden. I agree regarding areal journalism but now Expressen wrote that "Hotade med att demonstrera" I talked to the guy who claimed to use the word "hotade" but he told me that he did not use this word. I was not there I do not know who said what but I am really worried that we are missing the main problem here. Now a family's vacation is ruined and they are held at Bulgaria while they were planning to have a nice vacation in Varna. I understand you worry about real journalism, so do I. But including Halef Tak, no one knows why he is arrested and why he is in the Interpol list there. If he was in the interpol list, he has been living in Sweden, and left from Swedish airport, so why Swedish police did not do their job and arrest him? If you just google his name you will find him at hitta.se, so he is not fugitive in Sweden or EU. Since no one gets info, and since UD does not do his job properly, It is good that AF wrote the news, in this ambiguous situation otherwise, otherwise if AF waits until they have proper answer before anyone hears and does anything for him, he could be sent to Turkey. Unfortunately, accept or not, it is much easier to do illegal extradition in Bulgaria. Imagine, I can not write here with my real name, I am afraid that Turkish state can create a problem for me since I am trying to explain my relative's problem- They can label me as a terrorist and then may be put me in Interpol List and it became obvious that even I am not terrorist or killed anyone and even I have EU pass, I have no protection from cruelty of Turkey's laws! Halef Tak has been travelling in Sweden, in EU for many years-what has changed that now he is in the Interpol List while he was living as an ordinary citizen of Sweden? Why UD is hesitating to help a Swedish citizen - These questions should be main question. I would also argue why AF and Expressen did not question UD's reaction more deeply. I hope you do not mind that I wrote so long post, you can delete comments if you do not like, it is fine with me. Regards and Glad Midsommar för dig.
SvaraRaderaOk, I have now removed that comparison, because it can too easily be misunderstood. The point I tried to make was how this newspaper would report about such a case. But Im not impossible - if it bothers people concerned, it doesnt have to be there.
RaderaAnother aspect of this is of course that with the way and speed Sweden hands out passports, we tend to get dragged into every conflict in the world, when passport holders get up to shananigans abroad, from jihadists in Somalia to PKKers in Turkey. We would really just prefer to live a quiet and peaceful life up here, without having to deal with islam and different kind of activists every day.
SvaraRaderaDear Tobbe, Thank you for your understanding. The second comment is an another topic and I have a lot of thing to say. This will be my last answer for you: World is small and immigration has been part of the world for a long time. Sweden has been place for immigrant not only last 50 years but hundreds of years. You can no longer say I am not part of any conflict in the world, I want to leave quite here. Then no one should travel another country, no one should buy and sell anything from another country. If democratic countries stops to sell weapon to other countries, companies in these countries do not support dictators to spy on their people,and don't do many stuff that morally people/ companies should not do to make more profit, then there will be less conflict and less people to escape due to conflict. Remember, there were many Swedes had to move USA . Sometimes conflict becomes so big that you can not stay/ live where you want to live and the only way for you is to escape to provide ordinary life for your kids. Think of political asylums, should they stay in their hometown and wait till they are tortured, raped and executed to death? I agree there are problems with radicalism and we should be against that. I prefer to look at the world as one world and try to take care of all these people. I do not think we have scarcity of goods but scarcity of fair distribution. Regards
SvaraRaderaSkriver anonymt för att inte irritera min arbetsgivare. Men jag tillhör just den sortens människor som du inte verkar tycka så värst mycket om, journalisterna. Tänker bara säga att jag till viss del håller med dig. Jag rapporterade om detta igår och kände att jag helst av allt ville avvakta publicering. Det är helt enkelt FÖR mycket vi inte vet. Även vår story var en "snyfthistoria", för att det är enklast så. Men jag skriver här bara för att jag vill att du ska veta en sak. De flesta journalister VILL inte bara skriva enkla snyfthistorier. Vi vill ta reda på sanningen. Problemet är bara att för varje år som går blir redaktionerna mer och mer slimmade. Det finns inte en sportslig chans för oss på vanliga lokala nyhetsredaktioner att göra någon grundlig research. Vi har en tidning/nyhetssändning som ska fyllas. Vi får bara hoppas att våra kollegor på UG, Kalla Fakta, Kaliber o.s.v. genomför någon typ av grävande journalistik.
Jag vill inte hålla på med mode eller sport - jag vill veta sanningen bakom "nyheterna" jag rapporterar om. Men det är ju liktsom inte jag som bestämmer.
(Nu skickar jag iväg detta, utan att ha korrläst eller rättstavat - för jag har inte tid, måste ju fylla min "kvot" av inslag och reportage) ;-)